Erosion Control Begins with a Plan
EPS Erosion control services start with planning. After developing a proper SWPPP with your EPS Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSP), EPS will implement and maintain BMPs to reduce construction pollution runoff in active construction sites as well as establishing permanent BMPs for long term protection.
Temporary BMPs include items like Fiber Roll, Silt Fence, Wattles. Permanent BMPs include items like rock mulch, revegetation, landscaping, and impervious surfaces like concrete and asphalt. See all BMPs.
A Perfect Environment for Deep Rooted Growth
Depending on the project location, soil type and engineer specifications, EPS uses a proprietary Hydroseed mixture consisting of paper mulch, wood mulch, seed, soil amendments and plant based tackifiers. The mixture is then paddle agitated in our Hydroseeders to a desired consistency that yields a sprayable slurry. The slurry is applied to the properly prepared soil at various rates to create an optimal germination environment for the seed. When the slurry dries, it creates a mat over the soil, protecting it from drip impact erosion as well as providing optimal moisture retention. For projects with nutrient deficient soils, EPS incorporates a sprayable liquid compost into the slurry to enhance seed germination.
Temporary BMPs Become Permanent
Many temporary BMPs become permanent BMPs with the addition of Hydroseed. The installation of Biodegradable Coir-Net Erosion Control netting coated with a Bonded Fiber Matrix Hydroseed slurry virtually eliminates drip impact and slope erosion. When the native seed blend takes root within the Erosion Control netting they become one permanent BMP.
When Native Species Need a Boost
Even though a seed mix is native to the area where it is being used, some seed mix designs may reveal the need for additional stabilization we refer to as a boost. Should boosting a native species be required, EPS has you covered with custom made seed mix designs, based on professional consultation, for boosting native species and increasing soil stabilization.
the building blocks of your SWPPP
Best Management Practices, known as BMPs are the building blocks that make up your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The BMPs you’ll find in your EPS SWPPP correspond with state requirements. The designations are as follows.
[ PL ] Planning
PL-1 : Site Design
PL-2 : Scheduling
PL-3 : Phased Construction
PL-4 : Native Material Reuse
PL-5 : Employee Training
[ RC ] Runoff Control
RC-1 : Permanent Diversions
RC-2 : Temporary Diversion Dikes and Ditches
RC-3 : Check Dams
RC-4 : Temporary Slope Drains
[ DP ] Drainageway Protection
DP-1 : Temporary Stream Crossing
DP-2 : Storm Drain Outlet Protection
DP-3 : Storm Drain Inlet Protection
DP-4 : Catch Basin Inlet Filters
[ EC ] Erosion and Sediment Control
EC-1 : Preserving Existing Vegetation
EC-2 : Slope Terracing and Tracking
EC-3 : Mulching
EC-4 : Soil Binders
EC-5 : Wind Erosion and Dust Control
EC-6 : Rolled Erosion Control Products
EC-7 : Riprap
EC-8 : Revegetation
SC-1 : Fiber Rolls
SC-2 : Brush and Rock Filters
SC-3 : Sand Bag Barriers
SC-4 : Gravel Filter Berm
SC-5 : Silt Fences
SC-6 : Temporary Sediment Traps
SC-7 : Sediment Retention Basins
SC-8 : Construction Site Entrances and Exits
SC-9 : Construction Exit Tire Wash
SC-10 : Stabilized Construction Roadway
SC-11 : Synthetic Sediment Control Rolls
SC-12 : Compost Filter Berms and Socks
[ GM ] General Site and Materials Management
GM-1 : Water Conservation Practices
GM-2 : Stockpile Management
GM-3 : Solid and Demolition Waste Management
GM-4 : Dewatering Operations
GM-5 : Street Sweeping
GM-6 : Spill Prevention and Control
GM-7 : Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
GM-8 : Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance and Fueling
GM-9 : Handling and Disposal of Concrete and Cement
GM-10 : Material Delivery, Handling, Storage and Use
GM-11 : Paints and Liquid Materials
GM-12 : Pavement Construction Management
GM-13 : Liquid Waste Management
GM-14 : Sanitary/Septic Waste Management
GM-15 : Landscaping and Revegetation Management
GM-16 : Contaminated Soil and Water Management
GM-17 : Hazardous Waste Management
GM-18 : Illicit Discharges and Connections – Detection & Reporting
GM-19 : Drilling and Pile Driving Operations
GM-20 : Material and Equipment Use Over Water
GM-21 : Structure Demolition/Removal Over or Adjacent to Water
GM-22 : Temporary Batch Plants
Let’s Talk Erosion Control
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