There's more than one way to clean a street
EPS knows street sweeping. Street sweeping services are available for construction job sites, residential maintenance, environmental preservation, emergency cleanup and everything in between. As conditions vary, so do the methods and equipment we use when street sweeping.
Street Sweeping & SWPPP
Street sweeping is an important part of your SWPPP. While all the other BMPs make up the bulk of preventive pollution prevention, our sweepers make sure any disturbed soil areas that have made their ways onto the pavement are maintained and in compliance. A clean development is a professional development, and looking good is well, always good.
Vacuum Sweepers
Regenerative-air AKA : vacuum sweeper
The front rotating brooms to scrub the street placing the sediment in front of the pick-up head. Using forced air, it blasts the street through a blast gap forcing the sediment and debris up the pick-up tube and into the hopper for proper disposal utilizing an extensive water spraying dust suppression system. These are great for general purpose and excell in in wet conditions.
Mechanical Sweepers
Mechanical Sweeper aka : little work horse
The front rotating brooms scrub the street, placing the sediment in front of the cylindrical rotating broom spinning in reverse, which scrubs the street a second time, transferring the debris to a dust pan conveyer belt elevator that dumps the debris in the hopper for proper disposal. The mechanical sweeper is also equipped with an extensive water spray system for dust suppression. This compact workhorse is used for general use and is the best for heavy sediment, gravel, grinding, or debris.
Kick-Broom Sweepers
Rotary Broom aka : Kick-Broom
This small purpose driven machine is equipped with a sole cylindrical rotating broom spinning in reverse that scrubs, agitates, and kicks debris to one side, enabling easier pick up by the Mechanical and Vacuum Sweepers. The Kick Broom is utilized often in heavy compacted sediment conditions, usually in conjunction with a Skidsteer, scraping and discarding the debris. This little sweeper is the perfect setup for larger sweepers to come by for the final touch, resulting in a thorough and efficient Street Sweeping.
Let’s Talk Street Sweeping
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